Tinyandthegang wrote:
Anyone who thinks that their MH with a toad will not stop in a shorter distance with supp brakes is not thinking clearly. Any vehicle reguardless of weight or braking ability will stop in less distance if what they are towing is helping to stop rather than continuing to push.
Thanks for clearing that up. That's not what anyone is saying. Sure it will help, but half the distance? Impossible. And NO chart in the world will detail that. Brakes are good, and I haven't seen anyone say otherwise. But some don't need them based on the law and/or stopping distance. Could they help? Sure. The facts reside in the laws of each state. Period. Anything else about negligence and all the doom and gloom is just noise, conjecture and unsupported facts. If you are in a state that requires SUPP brakes and you can't stop in time, it likely will be a factor based on the severity of the accident. If the law does not require it then there is no legal position to pursue it. And Devil's advocate here, how much stopping power is too much? I mean stopping fast is one thing, but having everything come flying at you from the rear of the coach isn't desirable either. I imagine structurally there is a limit on forces coming to an abrupt halt. No idea what that is, just sayin. All I know is, I can stop MUCH faster pulling a toad without brakes, in my light coach a than a lot of larger RV's with sup brakes. I have sup brakes BTW (dolly), but there was a time when I didn't. Can't tell much difference frankly. Light coach, light car, good brakes.