We've always mounted the break-away actuator in front of or just above the base plate, never below. Can see how putting it below could lead to a problem on some vehicles.
The Kia van we used to have, the breakaway actuator was actually just glued in place with strong epoxy. Was glued to the bumper fascia, was not mounted to the base plate. Worked fine that way, except that it was not easy to get off when I removed the actuator before we traded it. You think about it, the actuator would only get pulled real hard on ONCE at most, after which you'd probably be re-mounting it anyway. Soo, it doesn't have to necessarily be bolted to the frame with 10" titanium bolts. :)
We just traded the van I just spoke of, for same vehicle you have, a 2014 Ford Flex (just last week actually, haha). Am curious to hear how you solve this, as we haven't yet set up the Flex for towing, and not sure yet if we're going to or not. We presently tow my 2013 Ford Fusion, the new Flex will be DW's everyday driver. Very nice car, BTW, we love our new one.