trb46 wrote:
Don't ever put flushable wet wipes in an RV toilet. It takes an F-5 tornado to break them down. They will clog up your gate valves. Don't ask me how I know this!
I can vouch for this. I had a considerable amount of damage to my home as a result of those "flushable" wipes. We had been flushing them down with reckless abandon until one day the sewer backed up in our (finished) basement. Upon rodding out the sewer line to the street, we found a nasty clog about the size of two domestic cats that was made up mostly of the flushable wipes. Clearing the pipe was easy, but tens of thousands of dollars was done to our basement when the sewer backed up.
Those dreaded things are most certainly NOT flushable. I am truly surprised that there hasn't been a class action lawsuit against companies who market them as such.