Only complaint about any paint sprayer is that it takes several gallons of paint thinner to clean it when you are done so this discourages you from using it for small jobs.
After an initial clearing of the hose, re-circulate a gallon of paint thinner through the sprayer by spraying into the pick-up bucket. After a few cycles, use fresh paint thinner, or Pump Armor, for a final rinse. I use about 1.5-2 gallons with this method. Of course, you only need water if the paint was latex or water-based. Don't forget to clean your gun's built-in filter every now and then, too.
Paint thinner (mineral spirits), can be re-used by allowing a bucket to sit for a week or so. Then, pour off the clean while the sediment stays at the bottom. I've used the same mineral spirits over and over. Never pour it on the ground or down a drain. If you don't want to re-use/recycle it, allow it to sit. Eventually, it'll evaporate.