Goldfinch281 wrote:
Yes, I'm near Albuquerque. There's no debate the other driver was at fault, apparently there were lots of witnesses. We were knocked out and don't remember anything about the accident, woke up in the hospital.
I was told we could go through our insurance and they would turn around and get reimbursed by his insurance company. I thought our company would be more sympathetic to us, apparently not. I'm going to start negotiating with his company.
It is true, your insurance company would look to subrogate the amount they pay against the other guys insurance it generally isn't the "best" way to go if you're looking for top dollar.
See your carrier has no interest in over paying you for anything.
What they want to do is close the claim in a safe fashion so they don't get burned on subrogation by the other company saying "you over paid your client because X, Y and Z". At that point the other company has all the power because they can low ball what they want to pay and know full and well what they can get away with before the subrogating carrier will fight it. Your carrier has no interest what so ever in pushing the limits in giving you more money. You also have a deductible with your carrier and non with the other guys. You MIGHT get some of that back on subrogation. Maybe.
Now the other carrier wants you to sign on the dotted line saying your claim is fully satisfied. That includes liability and property damages. They know full and well that you can milk the **** out of the liability, they know their client is full and well in the wrong and they don't want you starting to dig into them with plaintiff doctors, soft tissue damages and how you can no longer enjoy X or Z now because of the pain.
While you can't extort the company, you can use the fact that they want you to go away to your advantage. As such, they are willing to dump an extra cash on that PD claim and make the much bigger problem of the open ended 300k in liability go away.
In addition to all of this, IF your carrier pays out on a claim, regardless of fault, it will show up on your CLUE report. Subrogation can take months or sometimes years. Any amount that isn't fully satisfied will remain on that report. When you have outstanding payments on CLUE it can impact your rates by disqualifying you for higher discount tiers of insurance. Even if your current carrier doesn't do it, if you shop for a new one they will. This is an easy way for your current carrier to keep you but in an unfair manner.
I was in the business for a good while and have seen all sorts of wacky things over the years. Good luck in your dealings. Without knowing what they are offering or what the MSRP was on your rig it is difficult to help you further in knowing if their offer is legit or not.