Tom_M wrote:
ferndaleflyer wrote:
Ok folks. I have a 2014 Smart and have towed it probably 15,000mi around the eastern US. I use a dolly. It takes 5min to load it and put it out of gear and hit the road. No unhooked battery, bungy on the steering wheel, etc. Just strap it down leave the key on and transmission out of gear.
The Smart is a rear wheel drive car, so do you tow it backwards with the rear wheels on the dolly? If so, the only thing you would have to do is tie the steering wheel down. There's no way you could get it set up in 5 minutes. If you tow with the front wheels on the dolly I would say that you have been lucky so far.
One big advantage using a dolly is you don't need to install a base plate for the car, which is quite expensive. Otherwise it would be more work using a dolly.
When I got my car set up I went about four blocks to the nearest gas station. When I got there the doors where locked, the gas fill door was locked and it was in gear. The locks are electric and the battery was disconnected. The only thing I forgot to do was wait for the dash panel to go dark prior to disconnecting the battery. It's likely that the transmission remains in gear until the dash panel goes dark. With the transmission in gear it's likely that the alternator spun up and created power. If I had hit the road first off, the engine would have been trashed and possibly the transmission.
Back in the early '80s I built a couple of trailers for friends that had VW based dune buggies. To load, back straddle the frame, up ramps. When rear wheels crossed trailer axle they dropped in pans. Put pins in front of and behind front tires, stick tongue in hole, pin in place, and jack it up to get coupler above ball. All 4 off the ground.
To do something like that with a little car you would need to find the percentage of weight on each axle so the trailer axle could be positioned just behind center of weight. Heavy duty hinge could let the back part fold over so not much bigger than normal dolly when not in use.