Paull6 wrote:
I'm the OP and another poster was right I didn't come back because I didn't like what I heard, which was ill advised alarmist posts about what a mistake I made. The F150 had absolutely no problem hauling the 10k lb trailer inclines, wind rain were all present on the trip and the F150 barely felt it Not all posts were as unhelpful as the "experts" so thanks for those. Ask for advice with caution on this forum a lot of guys think they know more than they do.
You asked in you original post
" I just want some opinions based on knowledge/experience of using that truck to tow."You got just what you asked for. Not everyone has the same opinion and if the expressed opinions are not what you wanted to hear - so be it!
I am very glad that your experience was good and you did not have any problems on your trip but please don't bash our members who tried to help you out - based on their experiences, many of them quite extensive. They don't have any skin in your game but just wanted to make sure you knew what you were getting into.
Frankly, I find it quite unusual for a small V8 gas engine to have "barely felt" a 10,000lb trailer. That is what my trailer weighs and even my 6.7 liter Cummins Turbo Diesel feels it on a grade or strong headwind.
These forums are the largest RV based forums in the world and you can expect to get many varied opinions on just about any subject. It is up to you to weed out the ones you feel are helpful but that does not make the other ones eligible to put downs and bashing.
I should delete your post for flaming but will leave it so others can learn something.