What if you cause an accident and you are well within the ratings of your vehicle? Same outcome. If manufacturer's GVWR and tow ratings were law, just about every minivan loaded with kids and luggage on it's way to Disney World would be driven by a negligent homicidal criminal maniac endangering the lives of children and others. I'd bet the most dangerous sin committed by trailer towers is the proverbial 10-15% tongue weight law. A car loaded backward on an auto transport trailer will be well within the limits of a 1-ton dually. It'll also turn it around in a flash once it starts whipping on the interstate. There's a lot more to it than OMG he's 200 lbs over his tow rating.
Should we stay within our ratings. Of course we should for many reasons. But the key words in the article are, "Just imagine". I'd like to see some cases of lawsuits won against private trailer owners due to being slightly over their tow ratings. Maybe just one?