buck n duck wrote:
The second article state that tow ratings are like speed limits. Here's the Florida Statute concerning speed limits. It's the law. Can you post a link to any statute concerning manufacturer's tow ratings for private owners? Manufacturer's don't write law. You won't find it.
My truck is rated to tow 9700 lbs with it's 5.4L gas V8 and 3.73 ratio. This is a performance issue, not a safety or legal issue. If I tow a trailer that exceed that rating, what written law statute have I broken. The same truck with diesel is rated to tow thousands more. Aside from performance, what's the difference. I might exceed my tow rating down here in mostly flat Florida and not notice the difference. I'd still be well within the tow rating of the duplicate diesel powered truck so brakes, suspension and handling will be the same. What statute dictates I cannot do this?
If you cause an accident, you're at fault and subject to lawsuit regardless if you're over or under you manufacturer's weight ratings.