Grit dog wrote:
blt2ski wrote:
You need to weigh your set up before you go spend money on a heavier duty truck.Reality, the problem may be the trailer with too little hitch weight. Too much weight from side to side. Trailer axles that are V'd vs perpindular to the middle of trailer.
You might even have a trailer where the axles are too far forward to have enough hitch weight. Even with a 25/35 series truck, your trailer will still want to fishtail sway.
Look at what is the cause of the effect before spending money.
I've towed over ratings for many decades, most of the time I go slower than I like, due to too little motor. BUT, if everything is set up correctly, I have no towing effects like sway!
Except this guy. You should listen to him. Seriously. He knows more about towing than most of the rest of em put together, so far.
Like he said, hate to hear you still have the wiggles occasionally after trading up to that big bad HD truck!
Or in other words do you have an actual issue with your setup or is this just another perception thing due to inexperience or personal sensitivity?
Also, not trying to dissuade you from a bigger truck. It WILL handle the same trailer better than a half ton. The devil is in the details and it’s whether the half ton is “good enough” for YOU.
My perception is a bit different than most weekend warriors as I’ve spent 3 decades in mostly 1/2 ton company trucks that I’d use for anything within reason and some things very arguably unreasonable. Sometimes I’d get a HD pickup and it was a luxury for towing, even if they were mostly always gassers.
These two posts are correct. I had a 35 foot travel trailer pulled with my F350.
When trucks passed by I always had the push/pull sway effect, and it was at the worst when going downhill and a truck passed.
I never could get rid of it no matter how I adjusted my hitch.
I think you will always have some of it when pulling a travel trailer.It is due to the hitch point is so far back from the rear axle of the truck and the trailer is acting like a lever on the truck when the trailer is subjected to a side force.
I solved my issue with a 5th wheel, they do not sway when trucks pass due to the hitch point being over the axle.