Airstreamer67 wrote:
The main benefit of a bumper pull for me is all that space in the back of the pickup. I always put a cap on the bed of the truck, and the amount of "necessities" that fit in that space is wonderful. With a fifth wheeler, that big space is largely wasted.
Actually if you have an 8' bed you still have close to 4' in front of the hitch on a 5'er. Also a 5'er has way more storage in the basement part. If you're hauling an ATV or something like that then yes it won't work with a 5'er. I found that at least on mine anyway that I have most all the stuff I would put in the bed stored in the front of the 5'er. Only thing I put in the bed is my 4' ladder, small gas can and fire wood. All the other stuff fits in the 5'er. Bikes on the rear of the 5'er also. Some larger(32-35') 5'ers have even more storage than mine. I've done both and prefer having the 5'er storage since I can leave more things in the 5'er that I would have to unpack from the truck when I got home. Did the canopy thing also and it is nice to have things covered and outta sight, but I get the same thing with the 5'er basement.