Desert Captain wrote:
Makiemark, your Sunseeker (nice coach by the way - looks like a 2300?)), looks to be about the same size as our Nexus. I am curious as to your Cat scale weights, particularly the front axel with all the weight that far aft. :h
Seems like that would seriously lighten your front end. How is the steering and what sort of psi do you run in your tires (front and rear)? I just started pulling my bike (500#) on a small utility trailer which so far is working very well. Bike and trailer weigh 850# and the trailer is rated for 1,595#. My tongue weight is right around 100#.
Thanks on the "NICE COACH" - Nexus are nice also.
Our Sunseeker is a 2690S (a no longer available floorplan):
Floorplan viewA little over 28 foot class C on the normal Ford 450 platform. have had it a year and half, and so far super pleased with it.
The motorcycle setup is new to us, and have done a couple trips, one a 5+ hour drive each way. We did increase the rear air suspension, and keep the tire pressure at the rating suggested on the cab ( I believe 75 in the front and 70 in the rear, I would have to double check the specs).
First shorter trip with the motorcycle & bikes on back, we did not adjust rear air shocks up in pressure (and there was a little front steer action, but not bad). Seemed to just load the back down some, not too noticeable on the front.
Once I increased the air pressure in the rear air shocks, no noticeable issues with steering or handling. Tracks straight down the road, no issues at highway speeds, etc....
as far as cat weights, I have no clue!
Only downside is that the hitch is pretty low, so need to be careful on driveways with dips, have to angle, to reduce the scrubbing on the pavement.