Take an 18" stiff bristle push broom, and long handled flat shovel. Both can be used to clear the chain area in front or behind your tires as you put them on. You can clear diveret or equal water snow slush etc so you have a reasonably clean area to work in.
I have only had to lie down in snow and slush 2 or 3 times when a chain soun off and wrapped itself around an axle.
I clean are in front of tires
Kay down chains,drive combo onto chains.
I then start with driver back truck axle, trailer driver, passenger last truck passenger tire installing chain.
I wear rubber Grunden, jelly hansen rain pants, make sure I have good reasonably waterproof boots on before I take off driving. Put rubber gear on when time to chain up. Pants might stay on depending upon how far I think I need chains on for. Sometimes it's been a mile from ski area to clear interstate, others also down 1500' elevation and 5+ miles. Once 55 mikes home and up the 12%grafe to my house, as a driver chain broke at the bottom of the hill...
Good luck