cmcdar wrote:
I too would like some input regarding the "porpoising" or se-sawing sometimes going down the road.
Is a little acceptable or is it a sign that something is wrong.
I had not a good trip home from the dealership where I purchased my 19" hybrid. I purchased a weight distribution hitch and electric brake controller from them and had it installed by them. The hitch was not installed correctly the TV ball was 4-6 inches higher than the TT hitch so my camper had it's nose up in the air going home. On top of that, we were being chased by a bad rain storm that caught up to us as we got home.
Anyway we were doing some swaying (enough to feel that it was dangerous).
I changed the height of the hitch and it rides much better. But it still feels like I can feel some bouncing going on.
Any help or opinions?
You don't just "change the height of the hitch!" unless you have set it wrong in the first place, period.
The truck and trailer need to be level or up 2%.
The other thing I will say is you can never have to much TV but you may not like the outcome with to little TV. Remember Jack Lalane pulled 10 rowboats with people inside each across SF bay that doesn't make it a very good idea for you to.