Huntindog wrote:
I have actually worn out a set of chains. Well they were about 50% worn thru, and I moved on to the EQUALIZER setup. But I am confident that chains will outlast straps many times over.
I use rachet straps a LOT. They all work well when new, but as age and grime get into the mechanism they get balky about releasing.
I see nothing about this design that makes me think it will be any different.
I use ratchet straps a lot too on the equipment trailer, and I agree the mechanism sometimes gets a bit reluctant to release. I give them a shot of it in, then rinse it out with a shot of brake cleaner, then a few drops of Boeshield T9....they are good again for a while.
Those three things in that order....WD40, brake cleaner and, they save my butt time and again.