and more practice, practice...
Maybe you haven't learned tire/wheel placement and axis of rotation thereof...
Your TV's rear axle/tire is the basis for backing up and where you should/want to place the wheel/tire in order to NOT hit something
Ditto the trailer axle(s)/tire/wheel, but if more than one axle, you have to figure out how/where/etc your trailer turns on
Add that the overhang of the tail end of both TV and trailer affects this
Example is if you are backing up and there is a post on the inside of the turn (vs outside the turn radius), spot the trailer axis (you have to figure that out before all of that and is out in the parking lot with cones...and...a spotter/walkie-talkie)
Then practice, practice, practice running over those cones until you learn HOW2 miss then. For both sides
Then HOW2 to not hit them with your TV
Another possible trick is to use a flatbed trailer, so you can see 'through' where a hardbody trailer would obscure vision. Even if you have to rent one for the day
drsteve wrote:
Get a couple of orange cones, hitch up your trailer, and head for the nearest Walmart, mall, or school parking lot.
Practice, practice, practice.