bgum wrote:
Atlanta area drivers follow too close and drive too fast for the conditions. They also change lanes too often. I seriously doubt many could pass a driving test. I've been going through Atlanta since the late 60s. It has steadily grown worse and now I refuse that route.
Amazing the driving styles how they change geographically! Never been to ATL and I’d consider Seattle drivers near top of the list for bad drivers, but from a totally different aspect.
Here, it’s drive too slow and can’t pry a left lane loafer from their lane with anything less than an air horn or light bar, depending on time of day! Lol.
Even our rural freeways in this state are chock full of left lane loafers. I clocked at least 10 miles of 2 vehicles, same speed side by side, slightly under the speed limit blocking traffic in the middle of nowhere. Right lane guy doing the rvnet thing at 65mph for days, no problem. Left lane, newer F150, couldn’t seem to get his u no wat out of the way….
Really frustrating on a 300mile commute and you’re on a schedule. Lol