Over the years wee have read or heard of several thefts at campgrounds, every thing from coolers, bikes to generators and everything in between.
Cruisers, would come though campgrounds looking for items to steal. A bike, a grill or a generator only takes moments to cut cords and put into a vehicle.
The Burning Man nonsense, seems generators were popular thefts as was anything not tied down.
RV Parks, the better ones close the gates at ten or some hour and that cuts down lot I understand. But a holiday weekend and lots of roudies your coolers and bikes or anything else may disappear.
I can't think of one specific instance with enough clarity to quote right now, doing good to remember my name, but this was a popular subject here and other forums
Well I do remember one where the generator was locked with a chain to the bumper of a RV. And power cords were cut at exit to vehicle and unplugged from pedestal or just unscrewed. Went though one campground, late and got several cords.