Thank you for that music information. I thought it sounded like a 'sweeping western' type of sound and 'Lonesome Dove' would make sense. I never saw 'Cider Hr' but I will have to listen to it, was very pretty.
Yes, you had some tricky terrain there in the stream , but you shot it pretty steady!!
Sounds like tripod almost became monopod but with extra 'support' ...
What tripod and head are you using . I am actively looking for a good one, hoping to stay @ $400-500 including head, but ...
Carbon fiber would be nice, a fluid head for panning, wildlife, and some video. I did a quick check on sliders a few months back, seem to recall $300 ish? I would love to do that with star trails, and others.
I am mostly still photography now, but with the places we go, I do have video that Imwant to start documenting like you are with a full video.
Thank you again,