Old-Biscuit wrote:
SCVJeff wrote:
He's asking WHERE to install the carrier..
And I gave him a suggestion based on the toter home cab configuration
Between the captain chairs in cab.
Toter home is a SEMI cab with a 'sleeper' compartment (not just a sleeper but also living room/kitchen/bath -----an extended sleeper)
There is NO conventional place to put an infant carrier.
Less so then a motorhome.
SO new straps/belts properly mounted on floor to secure a quality infant carrier in cab
I normally agree with everything Biscuit says but not this time. A seat belt bolted to the floor alone will not work. Car seats (baby type) rely on the rest of the seat also when they are strapped in. Basically the belt holds it tight against the bottom seat and the back seat plus a tether that attaches above and behind the back seat..
Passenger seat is the way to go.