mowermech wrote:
"...he doesn't need to carry a gun,..."
NEED has nothing to do with the fact that he branded ALL those who carry guns as "cowards".
If that is not what he meant, then quite possibly he should have said EXACTLY what he meant.
Sorry, but I still see the implication that back when he carried a gun, he was, in fact, by his own definition, a gun-carrying coward.
In Vietnam, I carried ALL THE TIME! Was I a coward?
When we go into the back country on a camping trip or fishing trip, I may be armed. I am not worried about people, but there are bears, mountain lions, badgers/racoons/skunks, etc., some of which may be rabid. Yes, "bear spray" might work, but a firearm WILL work! Shucks, even ol' Mama Moose can be very dangerous sometimes! As can Bambi!
"Be Prepared" isn't just for Boy Scouts!
When I do have a firearm on me, I feel no need to display it. It is not anyone else's right to say I can't. I keep in in the pocket because these nannies have succeeded in a lot, of people being afraid, of a tool and anyone with one as a threat. The Cop doesn't want to carry one that's fine. Denying the right we enshrined and protected from government and people like this is wrong. It is wrong to creat a privileged class, that can exercise their Right and deny others. Politicians and ex Leo's or even Leos have the "right" but no one else is wrong. It has ceased to be our Right and the Constitution is dead when the Privledged classes are the only ones allowed firearms, or freedom ,of speech and so on.I refuse to observe privledged classes. It is our rights. The course has to be cahnged back to intent and letter, of the Constitution.