My routine:
When I take the trailer to the storage yard after a trip, I turn off the fridge and open the fridge/freezer doors for defunkification. I also check the bottom of both sides of the freezer because I'm taller than my wife and she's the one who usually empties it. I only found food in there once, but once was enough.
When I pick the trailer up for the next trip, I close the funkless doors and turn on the fridge so it can begin cooling ASAP. It should be cool enough in an hour or so to start filling it with food. I try to add the ice bags at the very last minute because I want the freezer as cold as possible before I add the ice.
My fridge stays lit through the entire trip unless I have to remove the LP tanks to go refill them.
I don't run with scissors, but I walk pretty quickly. It's a risk/benefit analysis thing.