"Dear Ann,
I don't know how to help in finding a travel companion.
While you are trying to figure how to fine someone, please allow me to show you some things I think you will find very interesting".
Take her and your rig to a large open parking lot and let her drive around and backup. Also show her how to hook up (give her a some good tastes of what is involved in a very good way.
Give her some things to think about(hopefully good things/ideas).
I think that's what I would try to do. Also, prepare for "lesson two". Also, invite her to go look at rigs and collect brochures.
Maybe list pros and cons (as you see them) for each type of rig. Get her mind to thinking.
Maybe she will get her confidence up enough to buy a rig and you both go on some short trips to learn even more.
A long trip is a bunch of short trips put together!
Another thought that I may delay for short time, she and her companion may disagree and split up. She needs to know how to continue on....
Just my ramblings. Hope this is helpful!!!
Edit: My thoughts are to try to lead her in a direction of independence and avoid all the possible pitfalls of any stranger even if known for a short time.