loulou - as I told Francesca, I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about providing a benefit to the man in exchange to all the stuff your friend expects him to do.
She expects him to teach her about RV'ing
She expects him to keep her company
She expects him to accept her trip plans
She expects him to do enough chores to convince her that he is not getting "a free ride"
She expects him to travel at her pace
In exchange, what does he get?
He gets to keep her company
He gets to teach her all about RV'ing
He gets to follow her travel plans
He gets to do whatever chores she deems sufficient for him to not be getting "a free ride"
He gets to travel at her pace
She pays for the trip
He's not getting anything beyond being a "handyman". What is she going to offer him to make it a more appealing offer? Is she willing to let him participate in the plans - making decisions as to where and when they stop? Anything else? Or is he just going to tag along on her dream trip and do all the work?