toedtoes wrote:
Francesca - I'm not being insistent. I mentioned it once, two people immediately assumed I was suggesting she provide the companion with sex in exchange (makes me wonder about the thought processes of those who immediately assume that), and I clarified for each of them. Hardly a very insistent position (and, really, you're "weirded out" by it???).
To answer your quetion, as a woman, I see this as a very one-sided agreement regardless of the sex of the "companion". I'm stating "man" because Ann specifically wants a male companion. I just don't see any reason why any stranger would be interested in playing teacher, companion, and unpaid worker (as well as being placed in very close quarters with an unknown woman for a good amount of time) in exchange for tagging along on someone else's dream trip. And if you read the responses, many others agree that this isn't an appealing offer.
This is exactly what what I was referring to when I stated that I would be suspect of any man volunteering for this excursion. Thanks to toedtoes for making it more clear.