tpi wrote:
loulou57 wrote:
Wow, what a lot of comments here. Some questionable???
Let's clear some things up here, Ann is looking for someone, she says a man to...join her..on this trip.
I'm going to be blunt. She's nuts if she plans on traveling in one RV with man she hardly knows-and you're nuts to promote such a thing. Hardly knows means two or three meetups in your home w/ the guy and a planning session or two. What else do you have in mind for them prior to the big vacation?
Thank you for saying this. I was thinking the same, as this is a really bad idea (and I've never made that comment on this or any forum before). If that is a questionable response, so be it. Many responses have tried gently to state this is a bad idea, apparently to no avail.
Ann will most likely end up with a disappointing trip at best, and something unspeakable at worst.