We carry pruning equipment. There is difference in trimming a few branches so your rig does not get damaged and whacking at a tree to damage it. Trees need trimming. We have over 100 trees on our 2 acres of property and they all need periodic trimming. We always ask for sites out in the open when we can get one so we do not have to deal with untrimmed trees. We ask permission to trim whenever there is someone to ask and have never been denied. We show them the offending branches and they give the ok. One state park in Iowa was thrilled we were willing to trim trees because they did not have any funds to take care of it. They told us to trim as much as we wanted and they cleaned up the debris. So we trimmed as much as we could for them until our pole cutter malfunctioned. Again trimming a tree is not harmful to the tree and we are not talking about destroying the ambiance of a site.