You have returned the TV's front axle weight almost to normal without anything hooked up...20 lbs (3,040 vs 3,020) Better than many...
Check your TV's manual on that, as the old rule of thumb of even drop is no more because the OEMs have all changed their suspensions so much
Some say to return to within XXX lbs of unhooked weight
Some say to return the front height to +/- XX inches of unhooked height
I try to NOT ever say 'you are good for it', but the finished setup orientation and reference your manual. What works for me, is not like a one size fits all sock
Have seen folks run in circles dialing in this, changing that, etc because it worked for someone else's TV
allkidd wrote:
Now I believe that I have all the proper weights:
With WDS engaged:
Front axle truck 3040
Drive axle 3080
Trailer 4760
Wthout WDS:
Front truck 2680
Drive 3540
Trailer 4640
steer Axle 3020
Drive 2160