Lantley wrote:
Honestly I'm surprised at all the head turners. I was taught you can't see forward when your looking backwards:@
I know your only looking for a millisecond, but we all know it only takes a millisecond.
Nevertheless I believe mirrors not necks are for seeing behind you.
In today's distracted driving world head turners are way down the list of those not watching/seeing what's going on right in front of them.
Driver’s Ed around here (at least in the 80’s) taught “a quick glance” to cover your blind spot which your mirrors miss. Your eyes aren’t looking forward when you look over your shoulder OR look in a side mirror. The only difference was a little use of some neck muscles. I always assumed those old guys who don’t turn their head couldn’t. ;)
You also aren’t looking forward when you glance at gauges but I still do that periodically.