toedtoes wrote:
I think the disagreement at this level is more about subjective stuff. Do I turn my head slightly to get a direct view of what's next to me, or do I completely rely on the mirrors for that?
I don't think either of those solutions are causing accidents.
Accidents are caused by not using your mirrors at all OR not understanding their proper use.
Sounds like most folks here understand the proper use of mirrors and just vary on minor details.
I would debate that turning heads does cause accidents. More than once I have seen accidents at merging ramps, especially ramps where the traffic is forced to come to a stop due to a short merge area.
The 2nd car assumes the first car is going to go and begins to proceed only to turn their head forward and realize the 1st car did not proceed. Often the 2nd car realizes too late that the 1st car did not proceed and the result is a rear end collision. I have observed this situation more than once.