Forum Discussion

navigator2346's avatar
Mar 04, 2020

TSD Fuel Card

Anyone use the TSD fuel card? Seems Pilot/FJ has suspended the great discount when using that card because of their relationship with Good Sam. Looks like the only thing you can now get at Pilot/FJ is their huge 8 cents a gallon discount on diesel

This is from the TSD website:

As of the end of the week, Pilot is officially retracting their discounts from our program due to their relationship with Good Sams. Good Sams has an exclusive contract with Pilot which prevents them from giving any discounts to the RV community through any other means. Every other discount is still in place.
  • Camper8251 wrote:
    Sounds like GoodSam got their feelings hurt and started losing a lot of money so they pressured Pilot/FJ to stop selling to TSD RV customers.

    When you look at the discount we get using TSD vs GoodSam it has to make you wonder how much GoodSam is pocketing on all of our transactions since the GS discount is so small.

    ^^^agree...I have both cards...looks like I will be using Pilot/FJ a lot less.
  • Sounds like GoodSam got their feelings hurt and started losing a lot of money so they pressured Pilot/FJ to stop selling to TSD RV customers.

    When you look at the discount we get using TSD vs GoodSam it has to make you wonder how much GoodSam is pocketing on all of our transactions since the GS discount is so small.
  • wanderingbob wrote:
    What about a 40 t0 50 cent discount , just drive a little bit away from the Pilot
    That's how you do it!

    Pilots, J's.. they're always too busy anyway with folks wanting their "discount".
  • jdc1 wrote:
    Use your Costco Citi Bank card. 1-4% cash back. It adds up FAST.

    Does the Costco card need be used only at Costco?
  • What about a 40 t0 50 cent discount , just drive a little bit away from the Pilot ' Yesterday the Pilot in Ocalo Fl was 47 cents higher than a station down the road less than 2 miles !
  • On the west side of the U.S. Rockies, Kroger Foods (Ralphs, Smiths, Fryess, etc.) offer fuel points when you make a purchase using your rewards card at their participating stores. If you work the plan (getting bonus points) you can save up to $1.00/gallon for up to 35 gallons of any fuel they sell, . . . . every month. Not bad.

    Chum lee
  • jdc1's avatar
    Explorer II
    Use your Costco Citi Bank card. 1-4% cash back. It adds up FAST.