Forum Discussion

K3WE's avatar
Jun 06, 2022

TV & 30 ft TT to Mini Van and 17 ft TT

First of all, I’m looking for a friendly DISCUSSION (As if friends were having a beer around a fire.)

Obviously, gas is up, but both I and the DW have wondered about “something minimal you could sleep in”.

But dang, we sure like the bathroom, kitchen and fridge.

Our camping varies widely.

I had these ‘crazy thoughts:

-A mini van could work as a self-contained camper (No kitchen & bath, but a good place to sleep).

-And it could pull a small camper. Note: I have edited this to a 17 ft TT from 19 ft- towing capacity is around 3,500.

-And maybe get ~15 MPG towing.

-And it’s a very useful and comfortable and adaptable buttocks, cargo, AND grocery hauler for the rest of the time.

-Sometimes camp with the van only, others, take a small TT.

Another edit- no real plans to plumbing/fridge/stove to minivan.

Anyone have thoughts or even relevant stories?

Again, not looking for ANSWERS as much as a fun DISCUSSION.

Edit #3- Thanks for the comments.