Forum Discussion

K3WE's avatar
Jun 06, 2022

TV & 30 ft TT to Mini Van and 17 ft TT

First of all, I’m looking for a friendly DISCUSSION (As if friends were having a beer around a fire.)

Obviously, gas is up, but both I and the DW have wondered about “something minimal you could sleep in”.

But dang, we sure like the bathroom, kitchen and fridge.

Our camping varies widely.

I had these ‘crazy thoughts:

-A mini van could work as a self-contained camper (No kitchen & bath, but a good place to sleep).

-And it could pull a small camper. Note: I have edited this to a 17 ft TT from 19 ft- towing capacity is around 3,500.

-And maybe get ~15 MPG towing.

-And it’s a very useful and comfortable and adaptable buttocks, cargo, AND grocery hauler for the rest of the time.

-Sometimes camp with the van only, others, take a small TT.

Another edit- no real plans to plumbing/fridge/stove to minivan.

Anyone have thoughts or even relevant stories?

Again, not looking for ANSWERS as much as a fun DISCUSSION.

Edit #3- Thanks for the comments.
  • @Rick Jay - you're right. The towing capacity IS affected by the tongue weight (hitch weight). I was simply pointing out that:

    Towing capacity does NOT equal weight of trailer AND payload (which is a common misconception by folks).
  • I'm deleting some off-topic posts in this thread. Reisender is our resident evangelist for electric vehicles, and his zeal often motivates him to take threads in directions they weren't intended to go... into an EV alternate universe.
  • Been busy working on the real camper, leaving Monday. Will probably buy $5.00
    gas at some point.


    While replacing a tire, I found a second one ready to do the China-bomb thing…so I replaced the rest (cuss words).

    Water tank Cloroxed, TPMS installed.

    Opened beer and caught up.

    One post was a shred ugly (discussing male anatomy)…unfortunately the bulge in my pants is NOT a wallet, so forgive me for thinking cheap).

    One angle on this is DW or me occasionally camping for a weekend alone. She doesn’t drive, nor do the hitching. Another option that has emerged is JUST getting the mini van. Forget a TT to go with it. Who knows- fun discussing.

    I ESPECIALLY APPRECIATE THE COMMENTS FROM THOSE WHO HAVE PULLED A CAMPER WITH A MINI VAN…and, he’ll, making an EV work…we all like to mess with stuff.