I cannot give a side by side comparison of the two antenna but I can say that gographic location plays a much bigger part than you may realize. At one time a member of the forums did side by side comparisons of several rv antennas, he did lab quality controlled tests with test equipment that you and I cannot afford. His conclusion was with the antennas mounted at the same height pointed in accordance with Manu. instructions, the batwings won hands down.
I don't know wher Santa Clarita Jeff is now but it would be interesting to have him run the series of tests he ran befoe, with the equipment of today.
I do know that with my batwing four with the sensor pro laying flat on the roof at my home pulls in over eighty stations but at High Jolly Campground near "Q" I get 7 when extended. The rigs with the best reception at that location that are pulling in 25 to 27 stations and have antennas mounted on masts that are 15 to 20 feet above roof top antennas.
Too many variables to be considered for on test with dissimelar antenna.