Even my OFF-ROAD POPUP camper has the BATWING install... I can rotate it from the inside by reaching though the window flap... Gets great HIGH DEf TV reception from the local towns and it is all free to the public...
Roy's image
Roy's image
I have played with them all for camping off-road including the long $90 LOWES yagi... The long YAGI and the BOW TIE 8-Element antennas were the best but not practical for using with my POPUP trailer..
Roy's image
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It was a toss up between the JACK antenna and the Batwing Antenna and my selling point went to the BATWING as I could could get the same results without moving the BATWING to tune in some stations that were at the same location but on different sides of the city like at Washington DC. I had to rotate the Jack antenna to get them...
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It is my opinion your best results will be getting a setup like this Crank-up BATWING with the added dipoles...
This BATWING is pointing to digital HDTV stations to the right of the photo...
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Roy Ken