I've just caught up on recent replies. Thank you for your thoughts and well wishes. We will pay because we can afford it the only thing is if my hubby predeceases me I won't have that extra thousand dollar pmt on my own. In that case I would have no choice to let whatever happens happen. I am going to try the extra principal option seems the best to me. I would say I hope if my situation gives someone else pause before they fall for a dealers trap of 20 yr loan even if they feel tip top and raring to go think about it. In 2001 we retired we were healthy for our age we had a little extra money after home sale. Had a perfectly good Yellowstone Country Club RV but we had slide problems and after many attempts at repair they still existed 4 yr s later. We
stopped at a dealer in SC and were so grateful he was willing to take it in trade. Oh were we muddled we got so robbed on this deal it wasn't funny. Long story short we over paid big time we were really dumb. Anyway here we are we survived we admit we weren't very smart about a lot of things. Live and learn