I would replace the converter, even if it's working perfectly. There have been substantial improvements in them over the years in terms of charge rate and the cleanness of the power output for 12V loads. My first choice would probably be a PD9245 or 9260, though there are others that are also good. The new ones are somewhat more efficient (i.e. they run cooler), but that's not the main concern for me.
The one you show has two separate outputs: an "unfiltered" converter output for most loads, which is not very clean at all, and an automatic battery charger circuit that provides a few amps of charging current. There's a relay to connect the loads on the "unfiltered" side to the battery when the converter is inactive and isolate them when its active. Modern converters have a single output that provides both power to the loads and charges the battery. If you'll be charging the batteries using a generator, the modern converter will reduce the time required to do so dramatically, from days to a couple or few hours.