Forum Discussion

RJsfishin's avatar
Apr 03, 2014

"Updated" Demco Dolly Blew It Bigtime.!! "Updated"

I bought a used Demco KarKaddy (earlier post) Then I bought surge brakes for it (same earlier post) and thought while waiting for the brakes to come, I'd run the D Caravan (minivan) up on it, make sure all is ok. Well to my surprise it isn't, not even close !
The van wheels are 10" too wide for even the maximum width that will fit into the pans on the dolly. I still don't get it,....or believe it. It looked to be wide enuff to fit even any full sized vehicle, let alone a minivan. But not the first time I learned the hard way.

Now the big question, do I install the surge brakes first, then sell it, or sell'm separate ? Wow, did I blow it !
  • According to my manual, the maximum allowable widths are:
    70 inches outside of tire to outside of tire
    42 inches inside of tire to inside of tire
    72 inches max. body width

    76 inches outside to outside
    42 inches inside to inside
    78 inches max body width

    The tie rod for the KK260 is 8 feet wide
    The tie rod for the KK360 is 8 1/2 feet wide

    I can go out and measure the overall width of mine later today.
  • According to the Demco Kar Kaddy info I just looked at, it shows the wheel spacing from 42" to 76". Sounds like those pans are meant to slide in and out... is that not true?
  • I don't get it ! That dolly is 94" wide overall. Its 10" too narrow for the tires to go into the tire pans. So the overall width will have to be 94+10= 104" You're only allowed 102" legally going down the hiway. Where am I going wrong ?? We like the van, not likely it'll go away anytime soon.
  • According to the manual I downloaded AFTER I bought my Demco Kar Kaddy dolly, there are two different ones; the KK260 and the KK360. I was not aware that there were two different sizes, either, but I was lucky, my PT cruiser fits perfectly!
    sorry to hear about your problem.
    I would look at what you could sell the dolly for as is, compared to installing the brakes then selling it. Seems to me you would make out better selling them separately.
    Good luck.
  • I take it that the 3rd option, replacing the minivan, is not an option. :S :B
  • I feel your pain, I once bought a "home made car hailing trailer" for a 500 mile drive only to realize the night before my morning departure, my vehicle was about 2 inches too wide and about 3 inches long.
    your buddies will have a laugh, and as long as you haven't over paid for the dolly, should be able to get your money back.
    I'd right "return to sender" on the brakes and get a refund if you can.