johntank wrote:
JaxDad wrote:
IB853347201 wrote:
Scottiemom wrote:
First off, Canada does not have titles for motorhomes. At least not then, which was several years ago. Don't know if that has changed.
Not to dispute your claim, but the info you got from your friend was nonsense. Canada has always had ownership titles for all motorized vehicles including Motorhomes, cars, trucks, ATV's, etc. I believe this is universal across most of North America. Trailers also have titles.
No, they were correct.
In Canada we only have an kownership’ which is the equivalent of a ‘registration’ in the US system.
The ‘title’ is a different animal.
Would not the ownership paper show the vin. make model of said vehicle the owner and/or a lien holder if there is one, if so it would be the same as a title here in MS and I would think in all other states.
No, the ownership here is a 2 part card the size of a credit card, one half shows the name the vehicle is registered to, the other side who’s name the plates (tags as you call them) are in.
We have a totally separate system for recording liens (repair, storage, etc.) or money owing against the vehicle. It is a much broader system that includes unpaid court judgements, personal loans, unpaid taxes, all sorts of things. Basically any debt other than that owing against real estate.