Forum Discussion

d3500ram's avatar
Explorer III
Sep 03, 2021

"Use Both Lanes Until Merge Point"

You've seen it. Road construction with a lane closed and traffic needs to merge from two lanes into one.

Construction companies are now posting signs for traffic to "Use Both Lanes" up to the merge point where there is another sign stating "Merge Here" ...

...yet there are still AW's who get glutious maximus hurt when folks pass them in the clear open lane. These AW's are the ones who, by choice, will line up in the thru lane while an open one is clear of any vehicles right up to the "Merge Here" sign. Fine, that is their choice to stage. Don't get PO'd at those who heed the traffic signs.

Such was the case this morning when there was traffic backed up in ONE lane as I passed proceeding up to the merge point when a person did not care for what the traffic signs were instructing. He pulls out diagonally blocking me in my open lane(I almost hit him and the person behind me had to suddenly stop too!) This was at slow speeds... 25 MHP-ish.

Road construction companies are now more often posting these signs for better traffic control to move vehicle more efficiently, especially through intersection that might be before the actual work zone. Why do those who choose to stage in the thru lane feel so BH that they need to play traffic cop?