jesseannie wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
jesseannie wrote:
A little over a year ago I posted that I used Flex Seal on a tough seal job on the roof. And I was happy.
I was told to wait a year and then report back. Because they said that I would say something something different the performance after a year was poor.
Well I am here to tell you that it performed beautifully.
I believe it was properly preparing the substrate before I applied the product.
I brushed it on and applied two coats it has performed as advertised.
That's good to hear. Not many things more frustrating than having to redo a paint or sealant that didn't work as it should. (Removal of the old stuff being the worst part of it.)
But I have to ask, if repairing something that you intend to be permanent, and it's not a quick side of the road type use what ya got type repair, why not use a product that is proven to be the right material for the application, rather than some "as seen on TV" type product?
I used a product on my repair job that was permanent. I did the job at home and cleaned the old caulking of the skylight. I installed Dicor in the big holed and covered it all with paint able Flex Seal. It did a good job better than smearing on Dicor.
While it is still working OK right now, patting your back may be a bit premature, even silicone RTV often works fine for one or two yrs.
Over time, between UV exposure and extreme temp variations most sealants will randomly pull away from the surfaces they are applied to, creating hidden leaks..
"as seen on TV" hucksters put a great sounding spin on everything they want to sell you. Very few "as seen on TV" products really deliver a quality product, most are a huge failure that the buyer quietly shovels it under the carpet and will never admit defeat when the product fails to deliver the promises made by the TV huckster.
As for myself, if it is a $20K+ RV, I am not going to depend on a "as seen on TV" sealant product..