I had a 10 year old Roadmaster Blackhawk 2, 10K tow bar. I missed a dip in the road and bottomed out the coach. Because I tow a Ford Raptor with 13" of front end travel, it bent the tow bar like a pretzel (determination/theory developed after speaking with Roadmaster.
Not wanting to drive the toad home separately, I ordered a new Roadmaster 10K bar that was delivered to the campground. Amazon price $1000.00.
Once home, I was able to order both arms ($250) and rebuilt the tow bar. It had been serviced and rebuilt at Quartzsite, two years earlier. They only rebuild with new plastic washers, they don't clean the internals. It was actually easy to rebuild. I cleaned it up and lubed and tighten the joints. I put it on Craigslist and someone got a great 10K tow bar for $350.00, one third the cost new.
That tow bar was as good as new when I sold it.