dahkota wrote:
wbwood wrote:
And where in the things you listed that a $5 fee offset the costs of one of those?
Is $5 gonna make some one pick up their dog poop or say screw it, I've paid for it? I'm being silly, but you know there are going to be those who will say that.
I do agree that there are people who don't control their dogs or what they do. Just as parents aren't controlling what their kids do. So many parents do not watch after their kids and let them just run loose in the campgrounds. Screaming. Cutting through campsites. Not watching where they are going with bikes. Parents yelling at them. Or even better giving you a dirty look when driving your vehicle through the campground to leave or come in, while their kids are playing in the road.
Yes I have a dog and yes I have a kid.
The fee is not to offset the costs of anything. The fee is to discourage dog owners.
"So, the camping pet fee is to discourage folks from bringing their pet who doesn't enjoy camping. The compromise is that you can still bring your beloved family member."
This is absolutely correct...according to Nancy Heltman, the DRC person in charge of the dog rule, the sole purpose of the pet fees is to discourage campers and cabin occupants from bringing their dogs. I have had numerous personal and email conversations with Ms. Heltman on a number of subjects (including site specific reservations, which I think you will see soon) and she is adamant that pet rule serves one purpose...to discourage campers bringing their dogs. I camp host in VA state parks fours months each year. Most campers are good about cleaning up after their dog, keeping them on a leash, and keeping them quiet. There are always one or two that need reminding but 99% of the dog poop I clean up comes from MY dog. I dislike the dog fees and will continue to lobby against them as long as I can.