Vulcaneer wrote:
Any VA state park I stayed at, never did anything to groom a vacated site. So why a maintenance fee for dogs? What damage is done? There may be some general maintenance for the overall park. But that is what the general fee is for. If they cannot afford to maintain the parks at the current fee, then raise the fee. Or else hire someone that can do the job more efficiently. Find camp hosts/work campers that actually earn their keep on a daily basis. Many I have seen, enjoy the free campsite. Maybe a few clean a restroom, once in a while. But few actually get out there and do real maintenance on anything. And I rarely see any state workers actually keeping campsites up, either.
As far as the dog thing...the biggest offender of unruly dogs and barking dogs are the work campers. That is just one reason, why I try to avoid state parks. Another reason is because they are generally run down, offer few services, and poorly maintained.
Don't know which, if any VA state parks you have stayed in but its pretty obvious you've missed most of them. Perhaps you would like to show up here and follow me around for a few days. I have put in over thirty hours in four days...most days start at 7:30 and like last night may not end until 10 or later. So far this week I have checked in campers, cut all the grass in the CG, stacked firewood, helped replace a breaker, chased down the owner of an escaped dog, sold firewood and ice, given what seems like a zillion directions and recommendations. The park I am in is somewhat short staffed but the people here do a pretty good job given the number staff members and the equipment they have. Maybe you should try it before you paint all camphosts with the same brush.