It's a factor of 'do it today' and don't plan for the future ... some other guy will be in office then, and "he/she" won't have to answer for it.
We earned the benefits - that cost has gotten out of hand due to mismanagement, and the guys 'they' don't need anymore pay the penalty - we earned medical and commissary, and now, it's not there.
We need to plan better - more long-range planning, not fix it now and hope for awhile. AND, the biggest issue - WASTE - send five men to do a two man job, that one trained guy could do alone. And buy six trucks, and rotate them. The six guys like that fine, so do the truck sellers - but we at least save gas when half sit parked each day. They could send one guy in each truck to the job - that would be worse.
Oh OH, don't get monkey started on this one.
We can only fix this with education - and what's called a voting tool.