Most of what is on this page contradicts other info on this page, and mostly all of it is inaccurate - a few accurate statements in each post, but none tell it like it really is. An exception is the fact that military benefits erode constantly over the years.
We veterans did our time according to the benefits in place, earned them, and regardless of what reason congress sticks forward, it's unacceptable and inexcusable to take those benefits away. Civilian workers were making two hundred a week and military were making seventy nine dollars A MONTH plus lifetime medical care (among other benefits) ... We paid for the health care, we earned it.
OK - beyond that, Tricare has always been in existence for Military, it was called CHAMPUS prior to the Tricare model, and provided similar care as Tricare now - it just changed names.
Tricare For Life continues coverage at Age 65 and acts as a secondary policy after Medicare B ... AND, covers prescriptions with a co-pay. NO COST for TFL.
How do I know this: I've been on Medicare and TFL for over four years, not once have I paid a medical bill - and have had numerous clinic visits, several ER trips, and three surgeries. NOT one cent ... except for scripts co-pays.
Some of you guys imagine things to be true, but unless you actually do it, you're guessing. I'm not guessing - TFL costs nothing.
To end this: Once again, we earned the benefits, medical and commissary, and no amount of compromising "we have to do this to make the budget work" is acceptable - we depend on people keeping their word, and that problem with that 'meek acceptance' some folks here generate, at this age, we can't simply "do it over" ... we're here, we earned it, and what congress really needs to do is cut the waste it dumps into the civilian contractors trough and get a handle on giving itself and other federal workers raises while cutting benefits it promised. Cutting veterans and retired military benefits and giving raises to federal employees in the same breath is and always will be an insult to veterans.
The true irony of all this mess: VOTE OVERNIGHT to PAY itself and the Federal workers on furlough (National parks for example) while no one actually worked. This is an example of the mindset that got us here - and it needs to change or we'll continue down the path to 'broke and crying about it.'