noplace2 wrote:
arrogant,irresponsible,immature and power hungry individuals in LE.
A concerted attack on a law enforcement officer. Dunno what the attacker's motive is to continue to harass Public Servant "Officer Spoon", but I would ask:
Would we here tolerate such an attack on a member of the Federal Military?
I'd point out that the Officer under repeated attack here serves in one of the most dangerous places in the U.S.A.- likely far more dangerous, statistically speaking, than doing duty in one of those fortresses we've built overseas to give Federal Soldiers a place to hide/protect themselves from the local population. This not to mention that our own day-to-day safety/security is much more dependent on Local Law Enforcement than on those doing time in one of our Foreign Adventure theaters.
And yet... so few voices raised in protest.
Shame on us!