I didn't type it up very well, and it was a long time ago. They may have been given the right to post bail when they went to court on Monday but, of course, not before then. They were still given the choice to plead guilty or go back to jail until they found a bails bond's men and in the small towns around here that ain't easy. Basically you have to get your family to bail you out. They did not get smart with the judge but, they did laugh at the cop because they thought they were safe with there designated driver and they obviously should not have done that. (Which they know now but, it was a expensive lesson to learn.) They felt they were not guilty because the cop never saw them in the bar only in their friends car and they didn't think this was "Public." So what you guys are telling me is anytime you are drinking at any place the cop can write you up for Public Intox? So, If I have 3 beers tonight and I'm over .08 and the cop knocks on my door he can just haul me away? Doesn't sound fair to me. Sounds just like away to make money; if that is the way it actually is; and I don't know. Or, is the inside of a vehicle different? If it is does this mean we can't drink in our campers?