JaxDad wrote:
But what you are saying seems to be more like charging someone with trespassing if in a busy cafe they sat at the same table as you, after all it's YOUR table right?
There's a big difference between a residence and a parking spot.
When I go to the restaurant, I don't pay money to reserve the table, nor do I sign an agreement with the restaurant authorizing me certain rights to the table. Furthermore, I have never been to a restaurant that had a list of rules. Nice try...
Interesting point on the parking spot though. My father used to live in NYC. He paid for long term (in and out privileges) parking spot. If someone was parked in HIS spot, the spot that he paid money to have the right to use, they were trespassing and he could have it towed. Funny thing about parking spots in NYC... they have rules associated with it (kinda like in a campground) and there were consequences for disobeying the rules.