wa8yxm wrote:
A lot depends on the generator I will list 3 types
"Contractor" Open frame 3600 RPM are LOUD!!! Earplugs should come with them,
How loud they will be in a Wal*Mart lot I do not know but I'd not want to park near you for the night (Been there done that)
My Onan 5500 Emarld Gold.. IN the average Wal Mart lot you will not even hear it (I do use a Gen-Turi which changes the nature of the sound a bit) but it's hard to hear.
Honda Eu200I or yahama EF 2400i. THese are INVERTER type generators you may need two of 'em in parallel to run the A/C
Some years ago a friend and I were talking to a Yahama salesman at a rally We had 3 generators in front of us 1200, 2400 and 3600i models.
THe 1200. I could not hear over crowd noise at no load.. I could feel the exhaust against my ankles but not hear it.
The 2400 I could hear but my friend could not.. (I am used to hearing sounds under noise so was able to "pick it out")
the 3600 I could hear but no need to raise our voice.
At half load, no significant change
At full load the 2400 "Spoke up" and coudl be heard clearly.
Not "all" "contractor" gens are LOUD.
Your thinking of the good old "Briggs and Stratton" type gens that are loud or 6Kw-10Kw open frame contractor gens..
Smaller open frame 4Kw gens with the Chinese Honda clone engines ARE much quieter than the briggs engines and that is a fact.
Honestly, my $200 4Kw Chinese built portable gen IS far quieter than ANY $2,000-$4,000 built in motor home gen and that IS a fact.
I HAVE endured listening to those crappy motorhome gens and that is inside my RV and they are 50 yrds away from me..
And as far as using a gen in a Walmart parking lot goes, yeah, crappy motor home gens ARE used there, so why not. If a motorhome is doing that then pretty much anything should be acceptable.
My cheap Chinese built gen is much quieter than a reefer truck, it is much quieter than the 3 AM parking lot sweepers that operate for two hrs and no worse than any built in motorhome gen..
I have used mine on occasion in a Walmart parking lot but only just long enough to drop the temps in the RV from say 90F to 80F then open a few windows for some air flow.. Never overnight (like the motorhome folks).
The OPs concern should not be about being able to run a gen, but how to SECURE the gen..
Chances are a gen sitting out running WILL attract attention from the WRONG CROWD.. Resulting in the gen magically vanishing if left unattended even for a minute.
Mine sits in the back of my pickup, under a fiberglass cover.. I just lift the cover slightly to run it and when done close the cover and lock it.. Out of sight, out of mind.